The program is focused on forming connections and strengthening relationships within our community. The program is for kids and adults alike!
Fendig Connects- Scarecrow Trail Project
No Previous Fendig Participation required! Scarecrow Trail Display In this project we will work together to design, create and then display in the Rensselaer Park's 2021 Scarecrow Trail.
Join our Virtual Program
Our Virtual Programs offer opportunities for people to connect and share without the having to be located in Rensselaer! The virtual platform has shown us a new flexibility we had not imagined before. We have offered Virtual Meet-Ups, Radio Shows, Acting Workshops, Vocal Lessons, YouTube Episodes and more! Be sure to stay up to date on social media & join our newsletter list for upcoming opportunities.
COVID-19 Protocols
We are dedicated to prioritizing the health and safety of our participants and our staff members this summer, while continuing to support our mission of hosting a welcoming and educational theatre experience for all.
Be sure to have read the materials above. If you still have a question, click the button below to submit a contact form. We will get back to you shortly. Thank you!